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Set up your first widget

This guide walks you through how to set up your first widget.
April Z.
Updated 2 years ago
Widgets are used to display testimonials collected by Review Management Platform on your website.

This guide walks you through how to set up your first one.

Begin by heading to the Add new widget page.

Add new widget page example

Testimonial widget
Add a name for your widget and choose a widget type. The options are multiple testimonials or single testimonial.

Multiple testimonials widgets are used most of the time. They allow you to embed up to 30 testimonials in a carousel or grid layout.

Single testimonial widgets are great for when you have an individual testimonial in mind that you'd like to embed somewhere on your website.

Display overall or platform-based average rating badges on your website in seconds.

Product review widgets 
Integrated review widget and submission form designed specifically for e-commerce product reviews.

Widget settings

Both multiple and single widget types allow you to customize their appearance with various settings. Head to either section for more information on those:

Multiple testimonials widget settings
Single testimonial widget settings

Set up theme

Once you've decided which type of widget you'd like to use and chosen its settings, you can work on the look of the widget.

In this section you can select a theme for the widget from a list of options and customize the layout/colors.

Set up theme page example

Finishing off

Once you're happy with the widget's theme, click the "Create widget" button. You'll then be taken to a page with details on how to embed the widget into your website.
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