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What is a Wall of Love?

An infinitely loading page of all your amazing feedback from existing customers.
April Z.
Updated 2 years ago
A Wall of Love is exactly how it sounds. Create a stunning, infinitely loading page of all your amazing feedback from existing customers then use it to win over new ones.

Display all of your testimonials in a stunning, infinitely loading page, set up in a few minutes. Overwhelm potential customers with glowing feedback.

Social proof on steroids, created in seconds

Select a template for your Wall of Love, customize it to suit your brand, and you're done.

Add a Wall of Love to your website with a few lines of code

Create a standalone page to house a Wall of Love or embed it into an existing page.

Approved reviews will be instantly added to your site.

All of your reviews, displayed in one infinite page

Display reviews imported from other sources such as Google and Facebook alongside testimonials submitted.

Imported reviews even show their source, cementing trust for your customers and adding to the power of social proof.

Example Wall of Love
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